The final week - compulsory task

The topics below are those where a large majority of students lost marks in the mock exams. Click on the links, check out the presentations, and post your responses to the blog:

Data Logging

What piece of equipment changes analogue to digital?

Give two reasons why remote data logging might be used?

What is a data logger?

What is the logging interval?

Validation and verification

Write down a definition of validation

What is the difference between a type check and a range check?

What does a presence check ensure?

List 3 types of verification

Programming languages

Give one advantage and one disadvantage of machine code

Why might you use an assembly language?

Give two examples of a high level language

Simulation and Modeling

Give two examples of modeling

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of using modeling

User Interfaces

What is a CLI?

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of a CLI

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of a menu interface

What is a GUI?

What should a good GUI be designed to do?

Data Protection Act

What is the difference between the data subject and the data commissioner?

Which of the following is not a principle of the Data Protection Act?

• Personal data should be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully
• Personal data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the required purpose
• Personal data can be transferred to countries outside the E.U. if the organization deems necessary
• Personal data should be accurate and kept up-to-date
• Appropriate security measures must be taken against unauthorised access
Give two examples of sensitive data

Give two examples of exemptions from the Data Protection Act

Society and ICT / Globalization and ICT

Explain what the digital divide is

Give two benefits and two issues with the use if ICT in society

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